Cover Letter

May 7, 2012

To the representatives of the Unamended Ecclesias: Brethren Ron Waye, Ian McPhee, Doug Finlay.

On October 16, 2011 representatives of the Book Road and London Ecclesias were invited to hear a presentation by the above brethren who would provide the Unamended perspective on the issues pertaining to the UA08/NASU unity agreement. We are thankful for the opportunity to hear your presentation on January 25, 2012 but more importantly to gain a better insight into your position in these matters. Your document outlines in some detail the many concerns that both parties have.

It is important in responding to your presentation that we emphasize that the brethren and sisters of the Book Road and London Ecclesias desire to achieve true unity with you so that we can walk together as one body of believers as we await the Master’s return.

In attempting to address the many points raised in your presentation, in as concise a manner as possible, we will address the various points under the headings identified in your presentation and where fuller explanations are necessary we will detail these in an appendix.

It is our hope and prayer that our heavenly Father may provide us guidance as we seek to achieve true unity based upon scriptural principles.

In love and seeking peace,

The arranging brethren of the Book Road and London Ecclesias

Cc All ecclesias copied on the original email from the UA representatives